Monday, 27 July 2009

Spice and Wolf Season 2 - Episode 3

The Contract
Pyrite (i.e. Fool's Gold)

This episode was surprisingly dramatic. This is probably the first time we have witnessed Horo and Lawrence seriously fighting since usualy it's just friendly banter between them. It was kind of creepy with Horo freaking out, as demonstrated in the picture above, because she found out from the letter the witch lady (last episode) sent that her hometown has been destroyed. In addition, with Amati has settled a deal "sealed by blood" with Lawrence in which he promises to repay all (1000 Trenni Silver) of Horo's debt so she will be free from her creditor (Lawrence), he plans to ask Horo to marry him. This convenient set up coupled with Horo panic attack means that this might spell the end of LawrencexHoro.
Meh... it was dramatic and all. But we know that Horo and Lawrence are inseperable. Plus it way too early for anything that significant to happen. I'm predicting that next episode Lawrence will make up with Horo by saying something like "Even if the record say they are destroyed, there's still a chance, lets find it together!" or something cheesy like that.
Heck that's just my prediction but I will be VERY surprised if I am proven wrong.

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